28 January 2010


"These Parerga are not integral parts of the book; they 'do not belong within' 'religion in the limits of pure reason,' they 'border upon' it. I stress this for reasons which are in part theo-topological, even theo-architectonic: these Parerga situate perhaps the fringe where we might be able, today, to inscribe our reflections."

Derrida, "Faith and Knowledge" (1996)

14 January 2010

critical gestures

To Be Liked By You Would Be A Calamity

"Attack is more piquant than concord," but when
You tell me frankly you would like to feel
My flesh beneath your feet,
I'm all abroad; I can put my weapon up, and
Bow you out.

Gesticulation--it is half the language,
Let unsheathed gesticulation be the steel
Your courtesy must meet,
Since in your hearing words are mute, which
To my senses
Are a shout.

Marianne Moore